قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي عن الصداقة

قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي عن الصداقة

يحب الأطفال الاستماع إلى القصص، خاصة في وقت قبل النوم مباشرة، فمن خلال الاستماع إلى القصص، يخلق الأطفال عوالمهم الخيالية ويستكشفون مخيلتهم، كما تعزز قراءة القصص مهارات التحدث، والقراءة، وتطور من لغتهم، ومن خلال قصة قصيرة بالإنجليزي عن الصداقة يمكنهم التعرف أكثر على أهمية الصداقة.

قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي عن الصداقة

هناك الكثير من أنواع القصص المختلفة التي تقدم رسالة هادفة، وفيما يلي يمكن الاطلاع على قصة قصيرة بالإنجليزي عن الصداقة:

قصة الغنية والفقيرة

تحكي هذه القصة عن فتاة فقيرة ووحيدة تدعى بيلا، تُصادف فتاة غنية في يوم ما تدعى ديانا، وتصبح صديقتها المقربة، وتقدم لها يد العون، وعندما تمرض ديانا، تجد بيلا بجانبها، وتنقذ حياتها دون تفكير:[1]

One day, there was a beautiful, poor girl called Bella. No one loved her. She was very lonely and always looking for a friend. While she was playing near her house, she met a very rich girl. She was humble and cheerful, and she was called Diana.
They talked together and became good friends, and after their conversation, the rich girl learned that her friend had no one and did not have a house to sleep in, so the rich girl decided to invite her friend to live with her, and since that time they were always together and lived happily.

One day, Diana became tired and her condition was critical, and the doctors said that she needed a blood transfusion, but her blood type did not match easily with anyone, but fortunately for her, Bella was a suitable match.

Bella thought nothing of it, and fought to help her, and when Diana thanked her, she told her there was no need to because they were sisters.

قصة الدمية الجميلة

تتحدث تلك القصة جيسيكا وإيلا، صديقتان مقربتان، تحاول جيسيكا التضحية بما تحب لمساعدة صديقتها، مما يجعل إيلا تسعى لإسعادها:[2]

There were two friends who loved each other very much, called Ella and Jessica. They would meet together every day and talk about their dreams. Jessica was dreaming of buying a new, very beautiful doll, which she saw in a store near her house.
Jessica was saving her money so she could buy it, and when Ella found out, she decided to help her. She was giving her part of her money so she could collect the money as quickly as possible, but something unexpected happened.

Ella’s little brother became very ill, and his treatment required a lot of money, and when Jessica found out, she immediately decided to give Ella all the money she had.
Days passed, Ella’s brother became fine, and her family’s financial condition improved.
On Jessica’s birthday, Ella brought her the doll she was dreaming of, and told her that she loved it very much.

قصة الدمية الجميلة

قصة الغراب والفأر والسلحفاة

تحكي القصة عن غراب وفار وسلحفاة أصدقاء يعيشون في الغابة، وقعت السلحفاة في مشكلة، فخرج الغراب ومعه الفأر لمساعدتها بشجاعة بالغة:[3]

There was a mouse, a crow, and a turtle living together in the forest, and they had a strong friendship. They would meet every evening and talk happily. One day the turtle went for a walk, and did not return until the evening.
When the friends gathered and the turtle did not come to them, they felt confused and afraid, so the crow said: “I will fly in the sky and look for the turtle, so we can reach it easily.”
The crow found the turtle deer, but she was stuck in a trap set by the hunter, and when she saw him, she said: “Did you come to help me, my dear friend?”
The crow said: “Yes, my friend, wait, I will save you.” He quickly went and carried the mouse on his back and brought him to the mouse, carried him on his back, and returned to the turtle.
The mouse bit the trap net with its fangs, and he and the crow succeeded in saving the deer, and they all left and returned to their place in peace.

قصة الصديق المسامح

العبرة الرئيسية من تلك القصة هي المسامحة، فهي تحكي عن صديقين “ألكسندر وجان” حدث بينهما سوء تفاهم، ولكن عندما وقع أحدهما في ضيق هرع الآخر لمساعدته:[4]

Jan and Alexander are close friends. They went on a trip to a desert one day, and while they were walking, they quarreled about something. Because Jan was irritable, he pushed Alexander forcefully, causing him to fall to the ground.
Alexander got up quietly, and did not do anything to his friend, but he remained silent, and each of them went on their way, and after some time had passed, they found an oasis on their way, so they entered it and began to bathe in the lake, and suddenly Jean began to drown, then Alexander came to save him.
The first thing Jean did was embrace his friend, express his deep regret for what happened, and tell him that he loved him very much. Alexander asked him to remember the good things that had happened between them, not the bad memories.

قصة الصديق المسامح

قصة جاك وهاري والسيف الذهبي

تحكي القصة عن سلوك جاك الأناني الذي تسبب له في مشكلة، ولكن صديقه هاري لم يتخل عنه أبدًا:[5]

Jack and Harry are two friends who live together in a distant village. One day, they had to go to another village, and on their way, Jack saw a shining golden sword hanging on a tree in the forest path. He quickly went to it and got it, and began screaming with happiness, saying: “I have A beautiful golden sword.”

His friend Harry interrupted him and said to him: “My friend, do you mean to say that we have a beautiful sword?”
Jack replied, “No, no, I’m the first one to see this sword. It’s just mine.”

Harry was silent and did not say anything and the two began to move forward, and when they reached a village on their way, 10 people appeared in front of them, and they grabbed Jack, and one of them said: “You are the killer we are looking for. We found the sword with you.”
When Jack heard this, he feared to his friend: “We are in trouble, how will we survive?”
Harry replied: “You said that the sword is yours alone, and that’s why you’re the only one who got into trouble.”
The people started to take Jack, to punish him, but Harry quickly explained to them what happened in detail, and saved his friend, and after they returned to their village, Jack apologized to Harry and thanked him.


  1. ^ vedantu.com , A Short Story about Friendship and Love , 30/09/2024
  2. ^ commonlit.org , 10 Texts About Friendship, Kindness, and Standing Up for Others , 30/09/2024
  3. ^ moralstoriesin.com , Friendship Moral Stories in English , 30/09/2024
  4. ^ vedantu.com , Moral Stories For Kids: Fun Way to Teach Valuable Lessons , 30/09/2024
  5. ^ moralstories26.com , two friends and sword story about sharing , 30/09/2024

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