قصص قصيرة بالانجليزي

قصص قصيرة بالانجليزي

قصص قصيرة بالإنجليزي إحدى الطرق الممتعة لتعلم أصول اللغة الإنجليزية، كما أن تلك القصص تساعدنا على معرفة الثقافة الغربية، وأفكار المؤلفين هناك، ودومًا كل قصة أي كانت لغتها أو ثقافة كاتبها لا بد أن تحتوي على عبرة تساعد القارئ على إضافة المزيد من المعلومات والأحداث الشيقة إلى حصيلته اللغوية.

قصص قصيرة بالانجليزي

فيما يلي بضع قصص قصيرة بالإنجليزي بطريقة مختصرة، ولغة سهلة:[1]

1- غرباء في الليل

The husband was waiting for his wife to return from work. Today was his birthday. He was watching that cake that his wife had recommended, and she called him telling him that she would finish her work shift and would come back so they could celebrate together. Suddenly evening came and then the electricity went out, surrounding him in darkness from all directions. But he didn’t care. He actually loved the dark, so he went to look for his phone and found it without charging, and he couldn’t see anything in his house, but he walked slowly until he reached the kitchen cabinet where his wife kept some candles there. He lit one of them and then fell into a deep sleep until they finished. The storm caused the electricity to be cut off, and when he woke up he found it was dark, and his wife had not yet returned.

So he decided to go out to find her, and the darkness outside was frightening, but he took courage and went on his way to his wife’s work to get her, then suddenly he found a girl blocking his way. It was Jane, who worked in the supermarket. He greeted her, then they walked together in the dark street, exchanging conversations about their childhood, then Jane told him, “Do you remember your old dream about the darkness?” Ryan was very surprised, as he had not told anyone about this dream except his wife, and before he asked her where she knew from, he found himself inside his room reading a book whose name he did not know where it came from, Strangers at Night, and he heard his wife’s voice calling him to come down so they could blow out his birthday candles. It had happened to him. A strange thing that cannot be explained

قصة غرباء في الليل

2- الورود الأخيرة

Lynn was a gentle girl, and very beautiful. Her father died when she was young, and she worked to support her small family. Her young heart was in love with Edmund, who had promised to marry her since they were young, and as he grew older, he renewed his promise to her again, until the day came when he left. To the military, he bid her farewell and gave her a bunch of beautiful roses and said to her: We will get married when I return. Just wait for me, my love. He went after kissing her cheek with a soft kiss. She waited for him a long time, but he did not return. Rather, he used to visit her in frightening dreams at times as if he wanted to touch her but could not, and at times she saw that There were monsters tearing her wedding dress, and after months she was shocked by the news of Edmund’s death, and ever since that day she would cry hard while holding his last roses, then one day her soul calmed down as she was embracing these roses so that her soul could join her lover.

3- الفلاح واللصوص

There was an old farmer who went to the market with a goat and a donkey. Unfortunately for him, he met three thieves. The first said to his two companions, “I will steal the goat,” while the other said, “I will steal the donkey.” The third thief said, “I will take all his clothes.” Very slowly, the first thief succeeded in pulling the goat. The man looked behind him. He started screaming, “My goat is lost.” Then the second thief came out to him and told him that he saw a man running into the forest with a goat. The farmer asked him to hold the donkey to save the goat. When he ran, he did not find anyone in the forest, so he returned to take his donkey, but he did not find the man or the donkey. At that time, he stopped crying. Unfortunately for him, he saw another man crying at the lake, and when he asked him about the reason, he told him that his bag of money had fallen into the river and he could not swim to go down and get it. He offered the farmer to pay him 20 gold pieces of money if he went down and brought the bag of money, so the farmer took off his clothes.He went down to the river, but he did not find the money, so he went out to find that his clothes had also disappeared. This story teaches us not to trust strangers.


  1. ^ 7kayatsh3bya.com , short stories , 01/10/2024

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