قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي عن النجاح

قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي عن النجاح

قصة قصيرة بالإنجليزي عن النجاح من العوامل التي تحفز الإنسان عند قراءتها على بذل المزيد من الجهد للوصول إلى أعلى طموحه، من الجيد حقًا الاطلاع على قصص أشخاص ناجحين تمكنوا من تحدي الصعاب، وتغلبوا على حياتهم الشاقة ليصبحوا فيما بعد يشار لهم بالبنان، ويتخذهم الآخرون قدوة.

قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي عن النجاح

من أمثلة القصص القصيرة عن النجاح باللغة الإنجليزية ما يلي:[1]

1- الفتاة الناجحة الجذابة

What gift do you want to get for your next birthday? This was her beloved father’s question to her, and Laila replied that she wanted a camera. Her father was impressed, but he carried out her wish. After that, everyone noticed how she did not leave the camera as if it had become her closest friend. At first, her mother became angry at her intense attachment, but over time, everyone accepted her desire, and during In 5 years, she learned a lot about photography, and became famous for photographing weddings and happy family parties, and her name shined among everyone as the best photographer ever.

قصة الفتاة الناجحة

2- نجحت رغم صعوبة حياتي

Phelps was very poor. Since his childhood, he worked in various jobs that were exhausting for his young body, but he used to forget the trouble of his day when he returned to his old house to hold the remnants of worn-out papers on which he wrote all his feelings and hopes. Then he finally succeeded in writing his first novel, which he greatly desired for it to turn into. A play, but he was not so famous that anyone would buy it from him, so he started saving his wages until he was able to produce his own artistic work. On the first day of the show, the novel was an amazing success, and he earned a lot of money and became rich. Many people are eager to read his novels and watch the cinematic works he writes.

قصة نجحت أخيرًا رغم صعوبة حياتي

3- الطالب الفاشل نجح أخيرًا

John woke up to the angry voice of his teacher. She was screaming at him, saying: “Wake up, you useless loser.” His classmates laughed, and he stood sluggishly, opening his hand for his teacher to hit him as usual. He had no parents to study for him. He knew no one except his old grandmother, who barely fed him. Then he hated school and went to the village carpenter asking him to work for him. The man refused at first, but he took pity on him and gave him a simple but hard job. During his years, John was able to work until he had many projects. Then he m arried a beautiful, rich girl, and one day he met his teacher. He greeted her, but she did not know him, so he told her that he was the failed student whom she constantly beat and called a loser. He had become a famous businessman and everyone respected him.


  1. ^ jackcanfield.com , 20 Success Stories , 29/09/2024

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