قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي للكبار

قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي للكبار

قصة قصيرة بالإنجليزي للكبار طريقة رائعة تساعد الأشخاص على تقوية لغتهم الإنجليزية، كما تساعدهم على اكتساب مهارتي القراءة والكتابة بتلك اللغة الممتعة، وفي الغالب تكون هذه القصص بمصطلحات سهلة الفهم والنطق، وفي ذات الوقت تتضمن دروس حياتية هامة يستفيد منها القارئ.

قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي للكبار

في الآتي مجموعة من القصص القصيرة التي تتضمن عبرة حياتية هامة:[1]

1- قصة الخياط الغني

In a small village, there was a rich tailor. All the townspeople dealt with him. One day, one of them asked him: Why don’t you help the poor with part of your money like the butcher who distributes free meat to them, The tailor answered him not to interfere in things that did not belong to him, so the man went away angry. and he was rumored in the village that the tailor was stingy with the poor, so everyone became angry with the tailor, and when the tailor died, the butcher stopped distributing the meat. At that time, one of them asked him why, and he told  them that the  tailor was the one who was paying for the meat

قصة الخياط الغني

2- قصة غني في هيئة فقير

one day there was a man wore old clothes, he entered to a big hotel and asked the receptionist to give him his room key, the receptionist was very Surprised especially when the man told him the number of the room and his name, the receptionist said that How did the hotel allow this beggar to enter? after 2 hours the poor man appeared again wearing luxurious clothes, then told the receptionist if he want to get more money, When he agreed, the rich man told him how the hotel allowed a beggar like him to enter. At that time, the employee felt remorse for what he said to him

قصة الغني الفقير

3- قصة الأم الراكعة

In a distant town, a major earthquake occurred, and many buildings and houses fell on the people. Rescue teams tried to save the neighborhoods covered by stones, and they found the body of a woman kneeling, carrying a baby , and in his clothes was a letter that the woman had written to him, If you live, remember that I love you very much and that I sacrificed… By myself for you

قصة الأم الراكعة

4- الأرملة الفقيرة والمطر

There was a very poor young widow. She had a small child. One day heavy rain fell and water fell from the roof of her old house. The woman wanted to protect her child from the rain, so she took off the door of the house and took shelter under it with her child from the water. At that time, the child asked her how the poor people were doing. They don’t have a door in this heavy rain


  1. ^ 7kayatsh3bya.com , short stories with moral for Adultst , 30/09/2024

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